About me

Hi! I’m André!


I’m Portuguese, 26 years old, and I’m currently working at a video game company in Yokohama, next to Tokyo!

I graduated from IST (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portuguese University) in the course of Informatics and Computer Engineering, and I decided to change my life and pursue my dream of studying and living in Japan.

I studied Japanese in Kudan Institute of Japanese Language and Culture from April 2012 to March 2013, in Tokyo.

From April 2013, I studied for two years Computer Graphics at Japan Electronics College, in Tokyo as well.

Also, I love music. I’ve been playing Alto Saxophone since my 7 years old, and I played in a philharmonic orchestra while I was in Portugal.

In May 2012, I took an audition in a symphonic wind orchestra in Tokyo, and I played there for three years. It was a great experience, and I hope I can play again one day!



minori_chihara_396744-2I think music has the power to connect people, and there are some composers/artists who really inspire me. I’m particularly fascinated by Chihara Minori (茅原実里), a Japanese singer and voice actress who has a beautiful voice.

You can also visit my YouTube Channel by clicking HERE!

And it was my brief introduction!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else to say, feel free to contact me through my email: andremoreira20@hotmail.com


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